PARO Webinaires

 S’ouvrir à l’innovation, la productivité et le profit pour les entreprises commerciales et sociales

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Loans for Start-Ups and Expansions
Every Monday from 11-11:30 am (EST)

Learn how to apply with our informational playlists. Connect with PARO advisors to help make the process easier.

Join our drop-in sessions held every Monday from 11-11:30am (EST) to ask any questions you may have after watching our playlists.

To receive the link for our playlist and the link for the drop in-sessions please register through our client portal


Connection Strategies
Presented by Melissa Marie Maltais and Melanie Bucar, Co-Founders of She’s Connected
September 18th, 2024, 11am (EST)

In today’s dynamic landscape, connection strategies are essential for women entrepreneurs and professionals to thrive.

This session will explore 4 Key Pillars:
Community Building for fostering genuine relationships, Collaborations, Partnerships, and Alliances to unlock new opportunities, Cross-Platform Presence for expanding reach across digital spaces, and Interactive Experiences to engage and captivate audiences.

Together, these pillars empower women to grow their networks and succeed in their professional journeys.

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Entreprises soutenues
$ 0
Subventions des programmes PARO
$ 0
Total en dollars des subventions versées aux clients