A Microfinance Program for Women
PARO Prosper Peer Lending Circles are small groups of like-minded women who meet regularly to share their experiences and expand their individual networks of contacts. The Circles are 4 (four) to 7 (seven) women, 18 (eighteen) and over, who all run their own businesses, want to start one, or who believe that women can help women. PARO Prosper Lending Circles helps women connect and network with other enterprising women. Today, the PARO Prosper Circles Program is the strongest Peer Lending program in North America.
There are many benefits to being a member of a PARO Prosper Circle, including but not limited to:
· Access and share business knowledge
· Mentorat de Pairs, soutien et encouragement
· Access loans ranging from $1,000 to $5,000
· Non-repayable portions of $500 to $1,000 (if you meet the criteria)
· Accéder à un éventail de perspectives et d’expériences
One of the key elements of a Prosper Lending Circle is that members also gain access to support and loans ranging from $1000 to $5,000. Prosper Lending Circle members are involved in reviewing and approving loan applications from PARO members in their own circle. Peer loans have helped many members of Circles to grow their businesses and set new goals for the future.
Why apply for a Prosper Circle Loan?
A Peer Circle loan is much more than a loan given to a small business, the process includes the support of Peers, training and increased control, to name a few benefits.
A Prosper Circle loan could be the solution for you if:
· Vous avez un historique de crédit pauvre ou inexistant
· Vous n’avez pas d’argent ou autre source de fonds propres
· Le montant du prêt que vous visez est trop bas pour être considéré par une banque
· Vous ne faites pas confiance aux institutions financières typiques
· Vous souhaitez profiter de fonds supplémentaires.
PARO was created on the strength and participation of PARO Circles. PARO is governed by a board elected of directors drawn from Circle members. Additionally, many members of Circles participate in each annual strategic plan.
Prosper Circles are self-selecting groups of 4 (four) to 7 (seven) women. It means that members have the opportunity to choose one another. PARO hosts regular networking events called Circle Up! Networking to support you in creating/building your circle.
Circles Members meet regularly to provide accountability, and personal/professional support, to the businesses of its members, along with reviewing and approving the peer loan requests.
Women from diverse backgrounds and with varied expertise are encouraged to create their own Prosper Circle. Connect in your community with like-minded women, and ask us how to create your Circle today.
Login to your myPAROPath for more information. For assistance, please contact circles@paro.ca or call 807 625-0328.
En tant qu’entreprise à but non lucratif, nous collaborons à l'autonomisation des femmes, à renforcer les entreprises et à promouvoir le développement économique communautaire à travers l’Ontario.
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