WEOC Women's Entrepreneurs Loan Fund

WEOC National Loan Program

L’Organisation d’entreprise de femmes du Canada est fière d’offrir le programme national de prêts, qui soutiendra les femmes et les entrepreneurs non binaires dans le démarrage, l’expansion, la croissance et le maintien de leurs entreprises.

L’organisme adopte une approche différente pour vous mettre sur la voie de la croissance et de la réussite en vous offrant des services complets et solides pour vous guider tout au long du processus.

Loan Fund Partners

Before the application

For entrepreneurs in BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario or Newfoundland and Labrador, the first step is connecting with our Loan Fund Partner in your region.

These Loan Fund Partners are included in the first phase of the WEOC National Loan Fund implementation:

The Process

Do You Have a Business Plan?

Before applying for a loan, you will work closely with a Loan Fund Partner to develop a business plan describing the viability and feasibility of your business.

The Loan Fund Partners are skilled professionals experienced in supporting diverse women entrepreneurs. They provide a variety of gender-specific resources, including seminars, webinars, mentorship programs, networking opportunities, one-on-one advising and loan aftercare.

Expanding the Resources

Program Updates & Information

Entrepreneurs in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut will have access to the fund in the second phase of implementation.


Entreprises soutenues
$ 0
Subventions des programmes PARO
$ 0
Total en dollars des subventions versées aux clients