Women’s Companies are underrepresented amongst exporting enterprises. We will work to expand supports and make linkages for women’s companies who seek to Scale-up and increase their knowledge, networking and opportunities to Export to Global Markets.
WECNO funded by FedNor and WIN funded by FedDev ensures that all women, no matter where they live in Ontario, can have the right tools and resources to grow their business ideas. WECNO initiatives address key areas such as:
o Prosper Circles: Women entrepreneurs in southern Ontario will have access to non-repayable funding of up to $1,500 (matched with a minimum 1:1 by SMEs through two-stage Prosper Peer Lending Circle loans provided by Alterna Savings and southern Ontario CFDCs). Prosper Peer Lending Circles are small groups of like-minded women who meet regularly to share their experiences and expand their individual networks of business contacts. Prosper Lending Circle members are involved in reviewing and approving loan applications from PARO members in their own circle.
Trade Mission: Go for the Green, Orlando, Florida, September 25 – 28, 2024. See below the attendees and their Capability Statements:
A not-for-profit social enterprise, we collaborate to empower women, strengthen small business, and promote community economic development across Ontario.
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