Kayla Soomer

Business Northeast Counsellor

Kayla Soomer

Kayla Soomer is a serial entrepreneur, mentor and advocate for women in business. She has over 17 years of marketing experience in graphic/web design and photography. An entrepreneur at heart Kayla travels throughout the province working in different areas including: PARO Business Northeast Counsellor, photo booth owner, professional photographer, and marketer. Kayla’s work has been published all over the world including in Maclean’s, Canada’s premier current affairs magazine. Kayla is the owner of Fun Cube Photo Booth and co-owner of SoZu a marketing company. As a proud female entrepreneur and promoter for female businesses, Kayla values the partnerships and connections she has made and is always looking to expand her networks.

Businesses Supported
$ 0
Grants from PARO Programs
$ 0
Total Grant Dollars to Clients